Wholesale Training

Become a Master Barista!

As part of our duty of care to our wholesale customers we pride ourselves on our complimentary barista training.

Developing a reputation for employing good baristas goes a long way in establishing yourself as a business that takes coffee seriously, and comprehensive training marks the start of garnering that reputation.

Our training sessions are informed by a pool of knowledge developed by decades of experience within the coffee industry, feeding into a belief that coffee exists both as an artisanal product that should be treated with care and respect and an opportunity to provide great service and build relationships with your customers.

Sessions look to cover foundational knowledge about your product, the key principles of espresso (what does it mean to “dial-in” a grinder?), what makes a latte a latte, how we work with milk, how to pour drinks, and, most importantly, the basics of drawing latte art.

Training can either take place at your café or here at the roastery for a full Wooden Hill experience!

We offer the following Trade Trainings??

Machine Workshop

(£60 for 2, £80 for 3+, 1 Hour, Sun-Fri 9am-3pm)

These workshops allow you to bring up your machine (and grinder) from home to our roastery and go through the usual pampering we give to our commercial customer’s machines to get them dialled in to pull great espresso. They’re also focused on breaking down all the skills you need to get the most out of your setup: dialling in grind size, pulling espresso, texturing milk, and pouring great coffees!

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